Dental Prosthetic

If there are losses and problems at your teeth that are hard to come back from, the aim of dental prosthetics is to restore lost or severely damaged teeth and improve the aesthetic of the existing teeth.

We guarantee the aesthetic correction of the shape and colour of the teeth. The technology of computer-aided design and execution of prosthetic works (CAD/CAM) enables a perfect reconstruction of the natural shape of the tooth.

Kinds of different prosthetics:

1) Fixed prosthetics

  • Hybrid prostheses
  • Bridges
  • Inlay/Onlay
  • Temporary Crown
  • Metal Free Porcelain Crown (E-Max)
  • Metal Free Zirconia Crown
  • Dental Veneer

2) Removable denture

  • Complete denture
  • Partial removable denture
  • Removable prosthesis stabilized with implants
  • Overdentures or bar supported prostheses

What problems can missing teeth induce?

Digestive disorders may occur due to reduced chewing ability

Changed shape of the oral cavity may make articulation more difficult

Wrinkles on the face may deepen, as the facial muscles lose their base support

Overall well-being may worsen, inhibitions may develop

Are you looking for a trustworthy and high-quality dental treatment?
